GPS Poi Alert (GPA) is designed to alert you on POI / PDI (EG.speedcam) proximity.
GPA avoids annoying and confusing, alerts of POI proximity
unrelated to our path using exclusive Smart Alert algorithm.
You will be alerted just if you are directed to the poi (speedcam) !
If you are running laterally from the neighbor POI you are not alerted.
You can also alert poi with regular proximity check (distance based).
GPA uses powerful filter language for searching and selecting POI,
eg: find / remove duplicate POI or select all pois in a region bounding box.
GPA reads POI from Sygic™, Garmin™, TomTom™, Google Earth™, TXT-ASC-CSV files
so you can directly use your speedcam files in GPA.
GPA got a full poi editor on map with undo logic.
Review and organize your poi and export them in KML or GPA (category aware format).
PDF manual
You can use it in 4 different modes
• Background, your phone just beep detecting a proximity event. Battery aware.
• Offline radar view mode. Here you can also view the Smart Alert algorithm at work.
• Offline POI list mode
• Online in Google Maps™ view (offline with cache)
Read / Import POI lists from different standard sources
• Sygic™ (RUPI files)
• Garmin™ (GPX files)
• TomTom™ (OV2 files)
• Google Earth™ (KML files)
• TXT or CSV or ASC standard files
Smart alert : POI will be signaled just if you are really running into it,
not if you are running laterally from it. This avoids false signals.
The strength of this algorithm is selectable.
Poi Query Language : Powerful filter language for
searching / selecting / alerting / exporting range of POI
• lat > 45 selects all POIs over 45 latitude degrees
• lat > 45 and lon < 10 selects all POIs over 45 latitude degrees and under 10 longitude
• dist(gps) < 1000 selects all POIs in 1 Km radius from GPS fix
Select all poi in country/region bounding box, find / remove duplicates,
export them in KML format after a query, review / edit the filtered POI list on the map
and much more.
Radar View
- Edit and/or review your POI / PDI list on Google Maps™.
- Import, alert and manage up to 100.000 POI in list.
- Export your POI / PDI list in KML and GPA format.
- POI Categories with custom alert configuration for each one. For speedcams.
- Easily mark the current GPS position on the fly.
- Options to alter the mp3 sound sample with loop - play speed
- Many prebuilt alerts (and big loudness too) mp3 sounds.
- User privacy aware : no user tracking, no invisible processes.
Example of txt import file :
-74.00063|40.72301|Lower Manhattan|extra field 1
-73.99552|40.72290|Nolita|some other info
•KML tag Placemark
•GPX tag wpt
Install and try GPS Poi Alert app. Do it, now !
This free software is adMob™ supported, cannot save POI lists, max 500 POIs.
The full version has no ads, can save poi/categories and can manage 100.000 POIs
Please send comments and requests to
Sygic™, Garmin™, TomTom™, Google™, Google Maps™, Google Earth™, adMob™ are registered trademarks of their owners
RupiManager is not affiliated with brands mentioned above